On Wed, 2002-03-06 at 22:09, Oki DZ wrote:
> dman wrote:
> > On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 07:24:49PM -0600, Matt Garman wrote:
> > I wonder if someone has done a comparison between
> >     1)  VNC on the server  vs.  using XDMCP to manage a remote display
> > 
> >     2)  VNC viewer on the client  vs.  X server (using XDMCP) on the client
> I think your choices are: having VNC server and client running on server 
> and client machines respectively; having X servers running on both 
> machines (for XDMCP).

Well, while I'm sure this isn't a very plausible alternative in a family
situation, my solution for getting my roommates to start using Linux was
drastic yet effective. I have banned the use of M$ software on any of my
computers with the exception of my desktop which has a locked down
install of XP for 'emergency' use only(classes or work). And since I
have 5 of them, and my roommates don't have any, that doesn't leave them
much of a choice. At first they were reluctant, but after letting them
play with Galeon for about 10 mins with my XMMS applet loaded and using
Gaim to connect to Yahoo, MSN, and ICQ at once, they were more or less
sold. Sure, they won't outright admit it, but they don't even REQUEST to
go into Windows anymore. Usually, once you show someone a better way to
do something, they quit complaining relatively quickly. :)


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