----- Original Message -----
To: "Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Michael Marziani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 9:55 PM
Subject: Re: The future of Debian install??

> Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso wrote:
> > Well, I don't know how RH goes now, but the first RH distribution I
> > about seven years ago (4.x or so...) has an installation like the
one Debian
> > has today.


            Looks to me like this fellow is a natural Windoze
user.  Thats where the spectators belong.  Debian  is
for the players.......
            I started in January with 2 months of computer
experience behind me.  I've been studying   every day
since then,  and still do not feel ready to actually install
            Am I complaining? Not on your life.  If I wanted
to be an appliance operator, I'd just stay with Windoze,
and never learn anything but how to call 800 numbers
and how to insert CDs for the re-install  they use for
every single problem.  (System Restore, and Last Good
Configuration are just variations on this theme. )
            Windoze is a disposable operating system, and
that's all even their so-called 'engineers'  know how to
            Now. Back to "Running Linux"  which is the last
step (for me) before actual  installation. .
            And am I going to be disappointed if it goes too


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