> >> Hi all, now that I have X running again, I notice a few things.
> >> XF86Setup no longer works. when I select it from my fvwm menu nothing
> >> happens. no errors no screen flashing, nothing.
> >
> >You seem to have started more than one thread on this, so forgive me if
> > I'm losing track of where you are at. Am I right in thinking that you now
> > have X4 up and running ? XF86Setup and xf86config are for X3.3. For X4 do
> >
> >#dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
> Ok, here's where I get confused. I have plenty of questions for everyone so
> please bear with me. I do have X3.3.6 running... apparently. I had thought
> that a dist-upgrade to woody would install X4 but it would seem it did not.
> The dist-upgrade did create an X4 XF86Config
> in /etc/X11 which is why I couldn't get X running after the upgrade.
> Now for the confusing part:
> I _did_ install xserver-xfree86 using apt-get install xserver-xfree86 and
> it installed fine but X3.3.6 is still what gets loaded when I run startx.
> Very strange. I don't really have a preference as to whether I have X3.3.6
> or X4 installed as long as it works.  ;-)  so, how do I get one fully
> installed and the other fully removed and why didn't dist-upgrade take care
> of this?
> Now, since I apparently do have X3.3.6 running, should I remove
> xserver-xfree86? Perhaps that is what's keeping my XF86Setup from working?
> Or should I remove the X3.3.6 packages and get X4 working (and thus put
> back the X4 XF86Config)?

I would purge all of your X3.3.6 packages and install x-window-system-core to 
ensure you have the essential X4 packages.

> >> My fonts are different. I think some font packages didn't get installed.
> >> What are the names of the default font packages for woody (testing)? I
> >> have xfonts-base already installed.
> >
> >xfonts-scalable for type1
> >msttcorefonts for truetype
> Do these packages depend on X3.3.6 or X4?


Simon Hepburn.

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