I know that this has been covered recently, or at least I think it has, but I was not able to find it in the archives after 2 hours of reading (probably just couldn't find the right thread). I went from 2.2r3 to 2.2r5 to Woody, and installed Xfree86 4.1.0-14 after going to Woody (no x before that). startx doesn't seem to be on the box. I'm thinking that I'm missing a package, but if I am, I don't know what one. A pointer to either would be appreciated if someone knows what I'm missing. Here is what I have:

Storm:/home/rattis# dpkg -l | grep -i x
ii  console-common 0.7.13         Basic infrastructure for text console config
ii  console-tools  0.2.3-23.3     Linux console and font utilities.
ii  console-tools- 0.2.3-23.3     Shared libraries for Linux console and font
ii  kernel-image-2 2.2.19-4potato Linux kernel binary image for version 2.2.19
ii  libnewt0       0.50.17-9      Not Erik's Windowing Toolkit - text mode win
ii  libxaw6        4.1.0-14       X Athena widget set library (version 6)
ii  libxaw7        4.1.0-14       X Athena widget set library
ii  libxml1        1.8.17-2       GNOME XML library
ii  libxml2        2.4.16-2       GNOME XML library
ii  nvidia-glx-src 1.0.2313-2     NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x driver
ii  xchat-common   1.8.7-2        Common files for X-Chat
ii  xfonts-100dpi  4.1.0-14       100 dpi fonts for X
ii  xfonts-75dpi   4.1.0-14       75 dpi fonts for X
ii  xfonts-base    4.1.0-14       standard fonts for X
ii  xfree86-common 4.1.0-14       X Window System (XFree86) infrastructure
ii  xlib6g         4.1.0-14       pseudopackage providing X libraries
ii  xlibmesa3      4.1.0-14       XFree86 version of Mesa 3D graphics library
ii  xlibs          4.1.0-14       X Window System client libraries
ii  xserver-common 4.1.0-14       files and utilities common to all X servers
ii  xserver-xfree8 4.1.0-14       the XFree86 X server
ii  xutils         4.1.0-14       X Window System utility programs
ii  xviddetect     0.3-4          XFree86 installation helper

I did take things like x-chat and man page entries out of this list.


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