On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 07:36:05PM +0000, pete atkinson wrote:
> Are there any hints/tips/watch-out-fors that you could offer, principally, I 
> am a bit confused over the non-RPMness of packages and the lack of the config 
> suites such as YAST/YAST2 that SusE employs.

Get to know apt and dpkg.  apt-get is your friend.  If you liked rpm,
you'll LOVE the dpkg/apt-get combo.  I don't know of any actual
configuration suites except maybe webmin (I'm pretty sure it's available
for Debian) or possibly linuxconf.  To be honest, I'm more reliant on
debconf doing the major work at package install time and then doing the
fine tuning in the config files by hand.
Good luck, and don't hesitate to ask if you run into trouble.
Chris Hilts

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