On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 07:57:31PM +0800, Craig Sampson wrote:
   > Something like 'would you like to import package selections 
   > from floppy (or other) disk' would be just great.
It is there. Recently installed woody on about 20 machines with the
following method:

  1. On some machine that I had already installed woody with a bunch of
     packages did
       dpkg --get-selections > inst.list
  2. Copied inst.list on to a floppy.

  3. Installed the base system on a new machine.

  4. Copied the inst.list from the floppy on to the new machine
     (went the mount floppy route; no mtools yet)

  5. Did 
       dpkg --set-selections < inst.list

  6. Pop in the woody cd (or the appropriate sources) and did

        apt-get dselect-upgrade

Now, you have an installation which is exactly what  you had one some
other machine.    
The process was so smooth, it did not fail even once. Hats off to the
debian team for the apt-get and friends.

Sridhar M.A.                                mas at uomphysics dot net

This fortune was brought to you by the people at Hewlett-Packard.

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