Hi Marc!

On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, Marc Wilson wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 24, 2003 at 08:06:12AM -0800, Larry wrote:
> > I must say, however, that compared to a number of
> > other systems I've worked with, Debian is difficult to
> > get installed and configured.  I suspect the poor
> > fellow was ready to tear his hair out (assuming he had
> > some hair).
> Yeah, you have to be able to read, which lets out most morons.
> Someone please tell me, though... what is wrong with a system that does NOT
> pander to Joe Moron?  Why does anyone care whether or not Joe Moron can
> install an operating system?  Why are we encouraging him to try?  It seems
> to be accepted as a given that Joe Moron needs to know how to build a
> computer in order to use one.
> The idea that operating systems are consumer products is the ultimate
> Microsoft-ism and, I think, has led to a lot of their problems.

My sentiment exactly.  I'd rather not have a dumbed down system.

And how many times do you go through an install anyway.  Last time I
did an install was almost two years ago. 

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