On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 10:02:34PM -0700, user list wrote:
> This whole discussion is really a bit adolescent. The joke is racist.
> It is about being black. 


> If this sort of crap stays in the distribution,
> it goes off of all of my machines. I am both deeply offended and deeply
> embarrassed that Debian has no more sense than to put this stuff on 
> everyone's machine.

What do mean by "put this stuff on everyone's machine?". I sure hope
it is not on mine, as far as I know, *you* have to install the package
in question, or it won't touch your machine.

I was offended by another package "surfraw", and I removed it. But
that sure made me think twice about Debian. My position is that as
long as the offending packages are a marginal part of the
distrobution, and I don't install those packages, I can contiue to use
it. But there sure is a limit for how many packages one can stand to
try and be offended by.

Note that I use Debian version 3.0
Linux emac140 2.4.17 #1 sön feb 10 20:21:22 CET 2002 i686 unknown

Hans Ekbrand

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