Dave Scott, Sat, Mar 16, 2002 at 10:58:55AM -0800: 
> Ok, I tried to install SquirrelMail but didn't have too much luck.
> All I got were failed dependencies left and right.  I had to manually
> download a bunch of them.
> I am stuck now with SquirrelMail telling me that I don't have Perl
> installed, even though I do.  I'm guessing I need the newer version of
> Perl though since I am using the .deb version of SquirrelMail.
> I try to install Perl 5.6.1-7 but get all kinds of conflicts with Perl
> 5.005
> Plus it tells me I need the Libc6, the newer one and that gives me a
> full page of conflicts.
> Anyone know what I should do to get out of this mess.
> Is it normal to have to update half of your packages to Testing packages
> to get SquirrelMail installed?

Your best bet would to complete the upgrade to testing or downgrade to
stable (if possible) and just install the SquirrelMail tar.gz

In my experience, having mixed stable and testing packages is not
advisable when they require a different libc6 verson.


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