Kent West writes:
 > I've got two Debian (Sid) boxes in different parts of the house. Can I 
 > put in a wireless NIC into each one of them, and them talk to each 
 > other, or must I have a Wireless Access Point as an intermediary?

You don't need a WAP, just put the cards into Ad-hoc mode.  You would
do this in your /etc/pcmcia/wireless.opts, I believe--the Managed

 > And one more: why can't I find a PCI wireless NIC, instead of a PCI 
 > wireless NIC adapter plus a wireless PCMCIA NIC? To me, that seems 
 > stupid. (But then, someone mentioned that the Apple wireless Airport 
 > basestation does the same thing; puts a wireless PCMCIA nic in an adapter.)

I imagine that's because they expect that most wireless stations will
be laptops and that anything with a PCI slot free is likely to have an 
ethernet port, which is connected to the local LAN, which is connected 
to the wireless repeater.


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