On Sun, Mar 17, 2002 at 06:15:58AM +0000, Simon Hepburn wrote:
> Marc Wilson wrote:
> > I know how to set X up to use the second head on the G400/450/550... what I
> > don't understand is the fascination people have with using a framebuffer.
> > What's the attraction?  What does it do for you?  Is it just to get these
> > annoying console sizes?  The idea of unaccelerated X has such appeal?
> You are not alone...
> "No sane person should use frame buffers if they have the choice.
> Like your mama told you: "Just say no". Use text-mode and X11, and be
> happy."

1. I see no point in using framebuffers (FB) with X.

2. I make a good use of FB in console-mode. The alternative is
SVGATextMode, which I used quite happily until FB was included in the
official kernel-sources. I will not go back though. The thing is that
modern (my Matrox Millenium might not count as modern anymore, but I
think the same applies even to "modern" ones) graphics card have too
slow text mode clocks.

With FB in 1600x1200 and that cool SUN12x22 font, I have a nice console
with 133 cols and 54 rows, that text-mode just can't give (with Matrox
anyway). (If I want more chars I can use 1864x1400 which gives 155x63,
but on a 17" I find that a little too small for regular use.)

Note that I use Debian version 3.0
Linux emac140 2.4.17 #1 sön feb 10 20:21:22 CET 2002 i686 unknown

Hans Ekbrand

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