On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 11:41:35AM -0600, Kent West wrote:
> Which window manager will give me the ability to size/move/close/etc 
> windows, but without the ability to start other programs, etc. I want a 
> kiosk style setup, on a low-memory machine. ICEWM has that menu at the 
> bottom with the "Start" menu, so it's unsuitable. I tried twm, but I 
> have to manually place the default app (Galeon) when it starts or when a 
> new window is opened by the web site being visited, and I would prefer 
> the window to just take the entire screen or at least not require manual 
> placement.
> Any suggestions?

I used fvwm on our kiosks at work.  I'm not sure what yours is going to
be used for but ours loads netscape which is pointed to two internal web
servers.  We didn't want them to have the capability of size/move/etc
so we overlayed all the buttons and such with graphics.  At any rate you
should be able to add or remove whatever buttons you want to windows,
configure the root menus, etc under fvwm.  It is light weight and highly 
configurable, not the most beautiful though:)  Depending on your security 
needs you might want to look into running this in a chroot directory or use 

To know the truth is to distort the Universe.
                      Alfred N. Whitehead (adaptation)

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