On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 18:56, Alan Poulton wrote:
> Hi list
> I'm really new here, so if I left some information out that would help
> you help me, please don't hesitate to ask me for the extra info, and
> possibly how to obtain it.  This is sort of a two part problem. If the
> first part has no solution, then I need help with the second part.
> I'm trying to set up Debian as a router/firewall and having problems
> with the NICs. I originally installed Potato, and have upgraded the
> kernel to 2.4.17, adding in support for the NIC drivers as I go. For
> hardware, I have:
> eth0 is: SMC 1660t ISA, using driver ne2000, and connects to the
> Internet via DSL DHCP.
> eth1 was: DLink DFE-530TX, PCI, using driver Via Rhine.
> When I would connect another PC (running Windows) to eth1, I would get
> errors:

Well, maybe that is your problem.  Are you using the proper
cable for direct connections: a cross-over cable?

The best method is to get a cheap 5-port hub or switch.  $50
is the most you should pay.  Here, straight-thru cables are
used.  These are by far the most common type of cable.

(The benefit is that now you can easily add 3 more PCs at
any time.)

> eth1: Oversized Ethernet frame spanned multiple buffers, entry 0x9
> length 319 013f2810!
> eth1: Oversized Ethernet frame c13d2090 vs c13d2090
> After each error, the "frame" number in "ifconfig eth1" is incremented.
> Typically I would get the error as soon as I connect the Ethernet cable,
> or, on booting up the second PC, or sometimes just after pinging back
> and forth a bit.  Sometimes after the frame buffer error, the link is
> "dropped", so I have to type "ifdown eth1" then "ifup eth1" to
> restablish the link between the computers.  MTU on the Windows machine
> is set to 1500, but I've also tried 1428.
> The above is the first problem.  Now for the second:
> I thought that maybe the problem is the NIC used for eth1 (Dlink). So I
> swapped it with an SMC 1211TX (PCI) from another computer, and I'm now
> having problems getting Linux to boot with the drivers installed.
> I compiled in the driver for RTL8139, and have tried both regular and
> support for older 8129 cards.
> When I can boot, with the RTL8139 not compiled in, I type lspci, I get:
> "00:13.0 Ethernet controller Accton Technology Corporation SMC-1211TX
> (rev 10)"
> When I compile in support for RTL8139, the boot process hangs with "PCI:
> Setting latency timer of device 00:13.0 to 64"
> And that's where I stand.. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

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