On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 15:16, Patrick Hsieh wrote:
> Hello list,
> I made a very simple .htaccess file under /var/www, which is the default
> DocumentRoot in the apache of Debian, but it doesn't work.
> However, if I put it under ~/public_html/, it works!
> Is there any configuration problem?

.htaccess is an "Override" file. It overrides options set in the apache
config files. Anything set in the config file can be set in .htaccess.
Have a look in /etc/apache/access.conf. Its broken into sections
describing directories. There will be one... <Directory /var/www> for
the doc root and one <DirectoryMatch ^/home/.*/public_html> for the
public_html parts. Inside of these are options. These options may be
overridden by .htaccess. There is an option AllowOverride which
describes what can be overridden by .htaccess. All, None, or a
combination of Indexes, Options, Limit etc. See the apache docs for more

Crispin Wellington

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