On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 17:32, Michael Montagne wrote:
> What is PSM for Galeon (mozilla?)?
> When trying to reach a secure sight I'm informed that this must be
> installed.  The download is a whole bunch of files tarred together.  I'm
> unsure how to proceed.  Should I just copy the whole tree I downloaded
> into my mozilla tree (the directories and file names seem to match so
> there will be much overwriting)?  I've installed everything else with
> apt-get so I'd like to stay within the system.  Can I install PSM with
> apt-get?

The "personal security manager". It's needed for HTTPS websites.

apt-get install mozilla-psm


Mark Janssen     Unix / Linux, Open-Source and Internet Consultant @
E-mail: mark(at)markjanssen.nl / maniac(at)maniac.nl     GnuPG Key Id:
Web: Maniac.nl Unix-God.[Net|Org] MarkJanssen.[com|net|org|nl]

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