on Mon, Mar 18, 2002, Jean-Marc V. Liotier ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-03-18 at 20:42, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > Apparently so.  It's been 60ish years since WW2, the economy still 
> > functions, and taxes aren't confiscatorialy high (yet), so for us,
> > the underground (or black) market is in stolen property, etc.
> If you sell me a piece of kit you very legally own, and I pay you in
> cash, that's black market : no trace, no taxes paid. The property traded
> is not necessarily illegal, it's just that the transaction is not
> visible to the State.

This is generally termed "grey" or "underground" market in the US.  This
generally doesn't connote illegal activity (though tax avoidance may be
a motive).  More usually, it's simply a market outside existing,
established, channels.  Somewhat analagous to P2P networking.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>    http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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