On Fri, 22 Mar 2002 14:29:59 -0600, you wrote:

>Apt installs there because that's where the FHS
>(http://www.pathname.com/fhs/) says things should go. 

Was not disputing that there might be authority behind how
it is done.

>Rather than making it difficult to use extra hard drives, this easily
>allows you to dedicate a partition to /usr, possibly one to /usr/local
>(if you install a lot of stuff that's not under apt's control).

Again, there is only one /usr.  If that one is full, and I install a new
hd...  /usr/local is used some by other installation methods.  I see
that Sylpheed and Forte (java ide) put themselves there.  I did not
say it was impossible to use the extra space, just not easy.


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