On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 08:51:37PM -0600, Larry Holish wrote:
| On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 07:49:25PM -0500, Jason M. Harvey wrote:
| > hello,
| > 
| > i've just noticed something weird, i use mutt, and fcc to sent. when i
| > view the sent folder, it lists every message as "Jason M. Harvey" (the
| > From: field) and not the To" field. i've read the man pages, and i'm not
| > quite sure what option would change the index in that folder, or which
| > format i would need to specify... but also, i haven't changed my .muttrc
| > in a long time, and i know it wasn't always like this...
| > 
| > any ideas?
| Here is the relevant part of my .muttrc.  It will show To: instead of
| From: in this mailbox only, which I call outbox instead of sent.
| set record=+outbox            # default location to save outgoing mail
| folder-hook =outbox 'set index_format="%4C %Z %{%m/%d} %-20.20t (%4c) %s"'
| HTH,
| -- 
| Larry Holish

hi larry,

thanks! that worked. the only problem i had with that was (which i

whenever i changed to the sent folder, and the index displayed the To,
and then i changed to any other folder, it didn't go back to showing the
From. i even used the folder-hook option. 

i then added another folder-hook option with "." as the folder, to
display the index with the From, and all the folders now work correctly!

thanks again,

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| Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 Woody  | 2.4.16-k6                     |
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