On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 05:46:49AM -0600, Alex Malinovich wrote:
> On Sun, 2002-03-24 at 14:37, Jerome Acks Jr wrote:
> > Does /var/log/XFree86.0.log list any error messages?
> > 
> > Since you have not yet configured USB, you may need to include 
> > 
> > Option "AllowMouseOpenFail" "true"
> > 
> > in ServerFlags section
> > 
> > Assuming  F86Config-4 should be setup to use nVidia driver, a couple of
> > changes need to be made:
> Ok, I went ahead and configured USB, and made all the necessary changes
> to XF86Config-4 (that I know of at least). I've spent nearly a week
> troubleshooting, and the only progress that I've made is getting a few
> extra lines to show up in my XF log. Below is my XF log as well as the
> XF config that I'm currently using. Pardon the size of the message from
> the full contents of both files but I want to make sure that I don't
> leave out anything important. I've separated log and config with to
> lines of asterisks. (****) Thanks for any help.
> -Alex
> --- begin XFree86.0.log ---
> (WW) NVIDIA(0): The user specified HorizSync "30.000-57.000" has been
> adjusted
> (WW) NVIDIA(0):      to "48.000" (the intersection with EDID-specified
> (WW) NVIDIA(0):      HorizSync "48.000")
> (WW) NVIDIA(0): The user specified VertRefresh "43.000-72.000" has been
> (WW) NVIDIA(0):      adjusted to "60.000" (the intersection with
> (WW) NVIDIA(0):      EDID-specified VertRefresh "60.000"

Check nVidia's driver README for:
 Option "ConnectedMonitor" "string"
 Option "UseEdidFreqs" "boolean"
 Option "IgnoreEDID" "boolean"
 Option "FlatPanelProperties" "string"
 DPMS and Flat Panel

> (II) NVIDIA(0): Not using mode "800x600" (no mode of this name)
> (II) NVIDIA(0): Not using mode "640x480" (no mode of this name)
> (**) NVIDIA(0): Validated modes for Display Device 0:
> (**) NVIDIA(0):      Default mode "1024x768": 65.0 MHz, 48.4 kHz, 60.0
> Hz

> ***************************************
> --- begin XF86Config-4 ---
> Section "Device"
>       Identifier      "Generic Video Card"
>       Driver          "nvidia"
>       Option          "UseFBDev"              "false"

I think you may need to tell the nvidia driver you have a flat panel
display with:
        Option "ConnectedMonitor" "DFP"
> EndSection
> Section "Monitor"
>       Identifier      "Generic Monitor"
>       HorizSync       30-57
>       VertRefresh     43-72

Check nVidia's README on DPMS and flat panels. Try not using DPMS
until you have a working XF86Config-4

>       Option          "DPMS"
> EndSection


I hope this helps.

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