On Sat, Mar 30, 2002 at 12:50:15AM +0000, Jerry T wrote:
> When I try to install Debian 2.2 r5, the installation process cannot detect 
> my nvidia video card. Eventually the installation process hangs up while 
> trying to find the video driver.
> Should I try to install Debian to run in 'text only' mode and then try to 
> load the nvidia driver? Is there an easier way?.
> What is the process for installing Debian with a driver that is not in the 
> original installation package?
> I have had no problem installing Redhat 7.2 & Mandrake 8.2 with the nvidia 
> card. The machine is a Dell (P-III, 256 mg RAM, 1 ghz, cable modem...)
nvidia chips are supported. See

For X 3.3.6 use xserver-svga -- this is in 2.2 distribution
For X 4.x use xserver-xfree86 -- for 2.2 distribution go to 
http://people.debian.org/~cpbotha/ to get unofficial debs

If you install 4.x server and want to use nVidia's driver, the README
at http://www.nvidia.com/view.asp?PAGE=linux will tell you how to
install and configure X to use it.

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