on Sat, Mar 30, 2002, faisal gillani ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> i am a windows network administrator & about a month ago on one of my
> network i placed a debian linux server + apache webserver on the other
> hand i had a windows 2000 server running Ms ISA server the place on
> which these servers are running have some power outage problems that
> are beyond my control . 
> the windows 2000 was a AMD athalon 750 mhz + 256 MB ram Debian Linux
> 2.2 was cyrix 300 mhz + 128 mb of ram 
> now since the day of installation i had to reinstall windows 2000 3
> times & that debain 2.2 is running as smoth as the day i installed it
> .... amazing very reliable this is my first linux experience & i must
> say i am very impressed .. debian totally RULES !!! :D
> & the best of all its freeeeeeee not like that M$ OS i think that day
> isnt far away that ill become a LINUX administrator 

Largely OT, but of some use for those who're stuck with other OSs in
their environments.

I've created a standard "admin pack" of tools I install on every Legacy
MS Windows system in the office:

   - PuTTY (current is 0.53).  SSH client for Legacy MS Windows,
     includes both X11 and arbitrary port forwarding.


   - VNC -- "poor man's X client...and then some".  If you're stuck on a
     'Doze box, you can access your GNU/Linux session -- full-screen.
     You can also remotely admin a Legacy MS Windows system, or walk a
     user through issues.


   - Cygwin + XFree86.  If you haven't stayed up to date on Cygwin, it
     now includes a port of XFree86, including a full-screen X server.
     Having a _real_ command line on 'Doze is a real plus (though there
     are some features that other tools, e.g.:  UWIN, have, like access
     to the system registry via a virtual filesystem).  Also includes an
     ssh client (in addition to your PuTTY client above), and server,
     for remote access.  Contributed ports (get these separately)
     include screen and w3m.


        OpenSSH configuration:

I find there's stuff that's hella easier to do on 'Doze through a
command line than the GUI.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>           http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
   Keep software free.         Oppose the CBDTPA.         Kill S.2048 dead.

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