jeremy petzold wrote:

On Sunday 07 April 2002 01:22 am, Crispin Wellington wrote:

On Sun, 2002-04-07 at 08:38, Jeremy Petzold wrote:

Florentin Ionescu wrote:

what mouse ?

| I have the ZAxisMapping set correctly in my XFree86-4.conf file but I
| do not seem to be able to get scrolling to work...any Idea what is
| wrong?

logitech optical USB using a USB to PS/2 adapter

Make sure the "protocol" of the mouse is set to "imps/2" not "ps/2"

Crispin Wellington

can I manualy edit that? what file do I go into? XFree86config-4? or what?


Jeremy Petzold

Yes, you can manually edit (with ae, or vim, or vi, or mcedit, or emacs, or nano, or joe, or etc etc etc) the main X configuration file, which is "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4". What Crispin suggested may or may not fix the problem; it's definitely a good start, but as several replies have already suggested, you haven't really provided enough information for us to do any more than make guesses.

If Crispin's suggestion doesn't solve the problem, send us the contents of the two files "/etc/gpm.conf" and "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4".

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