On Thu, Apr 11, 2002 at 10:02:41AM -0800, Brian Nelson wrote:
| Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| > On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 04:12:01PM -0500, The Doctor What wrote:
| > > I saw Anthony Towns's message about Galeon not being in Woody.
| > > 
| > > Is this true even for galeon 1.0?
| > 
| > That depends if anyone can get mozilla 0.9.9 into woody in time for the
| > release. Galeon 1.0 was removed because it appeared at the time that it
| > had release-critical bugs, although from conversations since it appears
| > that this may have been mistaken.
| [snip]
| > The two mozilla release-critical bugs mentioned above were recently
| > closed. However, another one was recently opened:
| > 
| >      * #142317: mozilla-browser: strange middlemouse behavior leads to
| >        security problem
| >        Package: mozilla-browser; Severity: grave; Reported by: "C. Scott
| >        Ananian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: security.
| Heh, if that "grave bug" keeps mozilla 0.99 and galeon out of woody,
| something's not right...

Don't worry about that one, it's tagged "wontfix" now.  I hate the
auto-search feature anyways (and turn it off ASAP in any browser).
The worst is when you enter an explicit URL to go to (possibly with an
ipliteral) and the browser takes you to a search engine.  (the real
problem was a minor typo in the url or a dns or network problem that
you're trying to fix 



The heart is deceitful above all things
    and beyond cure.
    Who can understand it?

I the Lord search the heart
    and examine the mind,
to reward a man according to his conduct,
    according to what his deeds deserve.

        Jeremiah 17:9-10

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