On Sat, Apr 13, 2002 at 10:33:50PM -0700, David Wright wrote:
| >I think problem is Debian "testing" is not released but too stable.  So
| >people tends to dive in without knowing how to deal with broken
| >packages.  After all it is testing, we need to know how to handle broken
| >package :)
| This brings out a bit of hypocracy in the typical Debian advocacy 
| argument. To the argument "Debian stable is too old", we reply "you can 
| always use testing or unstable". But now to those wanting to use testing 
| and unstable, we reply "you are not advanced enough".

Yeah, that's the quandry.  The solution, IMO, is to kick out a stable
release at least once a year.  That way stable is never more than a
year old, and then its age isn't an issue.  potato was ancient more
than a year ago when I first tried it, and woody still isn't out.  In
fact, woody has been "soon" for the past year.  Fortunately the "soon"
sounds a bit more realistic at this point.

aj: give woody a good kick (out the door) for all of us, please :-).



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