Grzegorz Prokopski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello!
> I thought some of You can have a problem which is similar to mine.
> I am subscribed to many, many lists and I get more than 200 emails
> every day (maybe more, I didn't check exactly).
> I use procmail to automaticly sort this mail to different files.
> Then I use IMAP server and various clients (NN, Evolution, mutt) to
> acces my mail.
> The problem is that the mailboxes grow and grow steadily and it takes
> more time to check for new mail in every of them, more time to get
> message indexes etc. And - to be honest - I'd like to backup those
> 100MB+ files to some CD or at least compress them. But You need
> to cut out the "older" part from them first.
> The soulution which I imagine would be to run a sort/backup script
> once upon a time.
> This script should go thru all the messages and check if a single
> message is (for example) older than X days. If yes - it should move
> (copy) the message to "backup" file, if no - it should leave it
> (or copy to the new "main" file" which will replace source file when
> the sorting/backup process is done).
> I suspect some of You could have already solved this problem and
> maybe could present here their solution?
> Or - more probably - I'll have to write it from scratch.
> How would You do this "sorting" ?
> With what?
> perl? (I am not very goot at it)
> or maybe some shell programming?
> Can You draft tha main pieces of such script?

gnus, total expiry.  It's all automatic.  I just delete the stuff since
all my mailing lists have web archives, but you can make it expire to
another folder.

Back when I used mutt, I used

folder-hook "+lists" 'push "<delete-pattern>~d >2w<enter>"'

which marks everything in folders matching "+lists" older than 2 weeks
for deletion.

Brian Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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