* Scott Henson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020417 19:44]:
> On Tue, 2002-04-16 at 18:27, GQ Kokidko wrote:
> > I am a new user and have installed the base system of the stable debian 
> > linux on hdb1 and windows 2000 on hda1.  I can boot to linux and windows 
> > and 
> > have lilo configured properly but dselect and tasksel aren't able to find 
> > the packages (which are on hda1 in order to install them.  Tasksel cant see 
> > them at all (is there a config file or something I can point it too) and 
> > dselect can see them to tell me whats
> > available.  After I go through the million and a half debian packages and 
> > choose what I want to install, when I go to install it either looks at a 
> > different location or doesn't find what it needs (even though I downloaded 
> > everything in the i386 binary directory and fails to install.  Thanks for 
> > any help
> > 
> > Matt Kokidko

(It's *much* easier to install debian either from cd or from the web
directly. I assume there are reasons you can't so you have to go the
hard way:)

You obviously seem to have access to you hda1 partition from linux. 
Assume you have mounted it to /mnt/winc
Two possibilities:

1. (Unlikely) You downloaded the packages into the same directories
like they were on the server - that means you have directories named
like dists/potato/main/binary-i386 or the like. In this case put the
following into your /etc/apt/sources.list file:
  deb /mnt/winc/[some-directory]/ potato main non-free contrib
  (where [some-directory] is the windows directory which is parent of
  the "dists" directory).
Then you run 
  dselect update
If that works you're fine and ready to install.

2. You downloaded all the *.deb files into a single directory. Now you
can create your personal debian repository from them with
dpkg-scanpackages. Most propably this will be too difficould for a Linux
or Debian newbie (no insult, but it's really not easy).
Instead do the following: 
   If you have enough space on your Linux partition (you can see that
   with the "df" or "df -h" command), copy all the files ending with deb
   into the /var/cache/apt/archives directory. Forget about the
   Packages.gz files, they are useless to you. Afterwards you should be
   able to install all the packages. If there is not enough space you
   will have to go the dpkg-scanpackages way.

BTW: You can anytime install single deb files with the dpkg command. Run
  dpkg -i [somefilename].deb
and it will install itself if all dependencies are fulfilled. That's the
RedHat/SuSE level of comfort. You have to be root for that.

Keep up the faith,


CAU-University Kiel, Germany
Registered Linux User #221014                  (http://counter.li.org)

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