On  0, Michael Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having trouble with a few services and want to allow root to telnet
> to a Debian 2.2r5 system for testing purposes, but can not find the way
> to allow this to happen.

That is because it is one of the worse ideas around.  If you allow
root to telnet to your box then you are transmitting your root
password across a network in plain text.  If I was *certain* that the
box is not connected to a network outside the building (eg the
internet), I still wouldn't do it.  Use ssh instead, and even then it
is better to ssh in as another user and then su to root.

> Also, how would I allow telnet to accessed on more than one port at a
> time. I may need to allow it on port 23 and 5555(omniback backup
> software port), but can only seem to allow one or the other, not both.
> How can I allow both 23 and 5555 to accept telnet?

Assuming that your telnetd is run from inetd, add a line like this in

5555    stream  tcp nowait      telnetd.telnetd /usr/sbin/tcpd 


Tom Cook
Information Technology Services, The University of Adelaide

"That you're not paranoid does not mean they're not out to get you."
        - Robert Waldner

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