On Thu, Mar 27, 2003 at 07:16:07PM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Mutt has no filtering options, as do most traditional (ie, not
> Windowsish) MUAs.  You want procmail.  If you don't want to have to
> learn procmail just for this one instance, also get dotfile-procmail.
> You can then run dotfile and select the procmail options ot set up and
> generate a procmailrc.

Sorry, my question was insufficiently worded. I'm already 
using procmail to feed stuff through spamassassin and sorting the
various mailing lists into their mboxes.

What I am thinking about is a set of macros/key bindings in mutt to
automagically add people to a killfile and purge all their crap from my
mbox. Then advise procmail to look at the killfile, weeding out even
before it hits spamassassin.

So, I googled and found something[0]. Heavyweight, I intend to use it as
reference while building my own. Maybe there are other, lighter
variations on the same theme out there?


[0] http://www.helms.sh/linux/config/mutt/ (german)

|          What your soldier wants -- really, really wants --          |
|                    is no-one shooting back at him.                   |
|                 (Terry Pratchett, alt.fan.pratchett)                 |

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