begin  Noah Meyerhans quotation:
> HA!  That's the most rediculous thing I've ever heard on this list.


> The
> only thing a firewall is good for is to provide you with a false sense
> of security.

A firewall is a useful tool for securing a network.  If you don't know
enough about security to know that, you shouldn't be pontificating on
the subject in a public list.  Like any other tool, it is neither
necessary nor sufficient in and of itself.

> If you want to be able to run services like web or mail
> servers, you by definition must start punching holes in your firewall.

And, of course, opening a single hole in a firewall makes it completely
useless.  NOT.  Go away, troll.

Shawn McMahon                    | McMahon's Laws of Linux support:               | 1) There's more than one way to do it
AIM: spmcmahonfedex, smcmahoneiv | 2) Somebody thinks your way is wrong

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