Grant Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Various sources have recommended doing "rm -rf */pcmcia" before
> building a kernel from sources (assuming you're goign to use
> the pcmcia stuff in the pcmcia-cs package).  
> If I do that, the "make" dies because it's looking for stuff in
> those directories.
> Am I missing a step??

You're arbitrarily nuking things from the source tree.  Don't do
that.  :-)  You need to enable a couple of meta-items in the kernel
config (e.g. "support for hot-pluggable devices" and the generic
top-level "Wireless LAN" option), but not enable specific device
drivers (e.g. "PCMCIA/CardBus support").  If you don't enable the
options in the kernel configuration, they won't get built by the
kernel build, and won't conflict with the pcmcia-cs modules.

David Maze         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
        -- Abra Mitchell

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