On Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 10:36:27 +0200, Tim Dijkstra wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if I could get iptables to log to a separate log file
> instead of /var/log/messages. When I am working on my firewall
> /var/log/messages sometimes gets flooded with messages...   
> I understand that iptables uses the 'kern' syslog facility, does this
> mean I can't separate it from the rest of the kernel messages? Or is
> there maybe some hack/config option to get iptables to use something
> else...
Ok, one way of doing this is to set the log-level in your logging chains
and then configure syslog to log entries for that level to a separate
file.  For example, you would have a logging chain like:
$IPTABLES -N logdrop
$IPTABLES -A logdrop -j LOG --log-level 4 --log-prefix "Log_Drop"
$IPTABLES -A logdrop -j DROP

And then you edit /etc/syslog.conf and append the following line:
kern.=warning           -/var/log/firewall.log (Nb. line up with tabs)
Then the firewall will log to /var/log/firewall.log as well as syslog

The other possibility is to look into the ulog target.  This may give
more configurability, but I haven't used it yet.


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