On Sat, Apr 27, 2002 at 11:41:00PM -0700, David Smead wrote:
| Thanks for the Cups suggestion.  I've now spent a little time evaluating
| that pathway.  It smells a little like bait and switch.

I understand what you are saying, but only if I stop at the drivers
that EasySoft ships with CUPS.  You need to look elsewhere for the
rest of the drivers.  For Real Printers (postscript) you can get a PPD
from anywhere -- from Adobe, from HP, from Windows.  (if you copy from
windows be aware that it names the file *.SPD and is Mac-text format)

| I have three printers - a 300 dpi HP LaserJet III, a 600 dpi HP LaserJet
| 4, and a 1200 dpi HP 8100 DN with duplexer.  The later printer is used for
| data sheets, manuals, and catalogs, printed on 11 by 17 sheets.  All
| printers accept PostScript.  What I need to do is move PostScript files to
| them . . . period.

I don't have any 8100s around here (I don't think) but I added that
printer anyways and in the configuration options I have the following
choices :
    Density:    1-5 inclusive
    Economy Mode:   Economy, Standard
    Ghostscript Resolution: 150, 300, 600, 1200
    Memory Booster Technology: Auto, Off, On
    REt Setting: Dark, Light, Medium, Off

    Double Sided Printing:  Off, Long Edge, Short Edge
    Media Source:   Default, Manual, Tray [123]
    Page Size:  <lots>

| What I don't need is something sitting between the document and the
| printer that limits resolution to 600 dpi.  Of course I can pony up a few
| farthings and get support for 1200 dpi, but --- I originally managed to
| get lprng working under RH, so I think I'll spend some more time trying to
| get it working with Debian.

I think CUPS will do exactly what you want.  The particular driver I'm
mentioning here is
    HP LaserJet 8100, Foomatic + Postscript
and is found in the cupsomatic-ppd package.

I just took another look at it -- the description says it now it is
only a transition to the foomatic-bin and foomatic-db packages, but
that is incorrect.  The foomatic-db package appears to only have
drivers for printers handled by gimp-print.  The PPDs for the rest of
the printers are still in the cupsomatic-ppd package.  I've been using
it for quite a while now with several printers and rather like it.

| Yes, the interface is nice, but in my case it's like using a flame
| thrower to make toast.

Some people like their toast black ;-).  (I don't)



He who scorns instruction will pay for it,
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        Proverbs 13:13
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