on Wed, May 01, 2002, Sam Varghese ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> How does one set random signatures in mutt after compilation? I
> looked up on Google and everything I found seems to indicate that it
> only be done by editing config.h during compilation.
> Is there some hack for this? I'm running version 1.3.28i on Woody.

Signify here.

After having some stunningly good luck with advertising a number of
causes (including my resume) over the past couple of years, I'm plugging
a number of causes (or broadcasting pans) with Signify.  Highly
recommended Googlebombing technique.

In .muttrc:

    set signature= signify|

And a sample .signify, readily extended with the variables in the first
three assignments.  Modify to suit:

#  Signatures for Signify

# Modify following to add yourself:
% $name=Your Name Here
% $URL=http://some.website.tld/


# Sign my name.  Hard left for name and email, hard right for URL.

% ( left,minwidth

$name <$email>

% |

% | right,minwidth


% )

# ...but I don't understand *any* of it...
 What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Here is my collection of quotes.  Add, delete, or modify.

# ----------------------------------------
# Politics

% { left,weight=3
   Keep software free.         Oppose the CBDTPA.         Kill S.2048 dead. 

% | left,weight=2
   Moderator, Free Software Law Discussion mailing list:

% | left
   Reading is a right, not a feature
     -- Kathryn Myronuk                           http://www.freesklyarov.org

% | left,weight=2
   We freed Dmitry!        Boycott Adobe!         Repeal the DMCA!

% | left,weight=2
   Support the EFF, they support you:  http://www.eff.org/

% | left,weight=2
   The Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act:
     Feinstein's answer to Enron envy.

% | left,weight=2
   Hollings:  bought, paid for, but couldn't deliver the CBDTPA:

% | left
   Spread the real scoop on Xenu and The Church of Scientology, link
       <a href="http://xenu.org/";>Scientology</a> on your website.

% | left
   Burn all gifs!  Use PNG and tell Unisys to go to hell:

% | left
   The Amazon "one-click" patent boycott -- yes, it continues:

% | left
   Comic tragedy:  MobiliX sued by comix publisher over iX trademark

# ----------------------------------------
# Plugs

% | left
   zIWETHEY: Provocative, super smart, and oh yeah, just a little sexy.

% | left
   KQED FM:  The bright spot on the dial:  http://www.kqed.org/fm/

% | left
   NPR:  Radio for between the ears:  http://www.npr.org/

% | left
   There is no K5 Cabal:  http://www.kuro5hin.org/

% | left
   GNU/Linux web browsing mini review:  Galeon.  Kicks ass.

% | left
   LNX-BBC:  Bootable GNU/Linux -- Don't leave /home without it.

% | left,weight=0.05
   ?bersoft:  Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt.

% | left,weight=0.05
   Is GNU/Linux the future?  Hell, it's the present:

% | left
   Integrity, we've heard of it:  http://www.theregister.co.uk/

% | left
   GNU/Linux & BSD:  We *are* the way out.

% | left
   Kudos to Gateway's Digital Music Campaing & stand against the RIAA.

% | left
   CARP smells fishy -- keep Internet Radio alive:

% | left
   VAR with attitude -- Automation Access:  http://www.aaxnet.com/

# ----------------------------------------
# Pans:

% | left
   SBC PacBell:  The phone is once again your fiend.

% | left
   Iomega:  click of death, Jaz Junk, and now, NAS?  Not!

% | left
   ARM Computer:  Customer Service Hell On Earth

# ----------------------------------------
# Technical plugs:

% | left
   Use a personal CSS stylesheet to promote Web usability:

% | left
   TWiki:  documentation for the GNU millennium.

% | left
   If spam is the question, Spamassassin is the answer.

% | left
   Sick of mal-formed websites?  A stylesheet to override poor design:

% | left
   Software "piracy" loss numbers are a crock:

% | left
   A guide to GNU/Linux partitioning:

% | left
   A guide to GNU/Linux backups:

% | left
   A guide to GNU/Linux browsers:

% | left
   A guide to GNU/Linux books:

% | left
   How to unwedge / disable your X display manager login:

% | left
   The golden rule of technical design:  complexity is the enemy.

# ----------------------------------------
# Self Promotion....

% | left,weight=0.75
   Geek for hire:  $URL;resume.html

# ----------------------------------------
# Humor...
% | left,weight=0.5
   Data corrupts.  Absolute data corrupts absolutely.
    -- Ed Self's corollary of Atkinson's Law.

% | left,weight=0.5
   Unless you are very rich and very eccentric, you will not enjoy the
   luxury of having a computer in your own home.
     -- Ed Yourdon, _Techniques of Program Structure and Design_, 1975

% | left,weight=0.5
   What doesn't kill you makes you stranger.
     -- Karsten M. Self, misreading as usual, San Marcos Pass Rd., 1988

# ----------------------------------------
# If you want random stuff from fortune:
% | exec,left
   fortune -s | sed -e '/^/s//  /'

# ----------------------------------------
# And, to help out the developers of Signify, a little plug for them...
# (A little free advertising for them gives them additional reason to
# generate more free software for me!)
% | center, weight=0.1
   This sig for rent:  a $PROGRAM production from $WEBSITE

% }

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
   Iomega:  click of death, Jaz Junk, and now, NAS?  Not!

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