On Mon May 06, 2002 at 11:08:11AM -0500, D. Michael McFarland wrote:
> Hello All,
> After a hiatus of about a year, I've come back to Linux and have been
> playing with my first careful Debian installation.  Over the weekend I
> did a minimal net install of potato starting with the compact flavor
> of floppies, then used apt-get and some pointers gathered from this
> list to upgrade to woody.  Yes, I know I'm hanging onto the leading
> edge by my fingertips and my timing could be better, but the machine
> in question isn't doing anything critical and, anyway, it's been fun.
> Of course, I hit a snag, or I wouldn't be posting.  I didn't install
> XFree86 or any other X packages the first time around, thinking I'd
> wait and get the latest of everything once I'd switched to woody.
> That's turning out to be harder than I expected, with tasksel
> complaining about a missing x-window-system task and all my other
> attempts (with apt, etc.)  failing for want of some component or
> another, usually fonts.
> I've googled fairly hard on this and found a few related threads, but
> I haven't found that one post I need: "Do this, this and this and
> startx ought to work."  A summary of the necessary steps, or pointers
> to documentation I might have overlooked, would be most appreciated.
I did a net install of woody a couple days ago, using a CD I burned
And I must say, debian absolutely rocks! I didn't hit a single snag, I
couldn't believe how easy everthing was. I was up and running with a
fully loaded system in just a few hours. And I mean loaded. Well, not
bloated. I haven't install Nautilus or KDE2 yet.

I have decided that I will never again touch dselect. Not with a ten
foot pole. You couldn't pay me enough to suffer the agony and
frustration of using dselect. I used it extensively in the past, when I
was running debian-ppc on a 33 MHz Quadra 800. Maybe I don't have as
much patience as I used to. Anyway, the first thing I did after base
install was try to install task-c-dev using dselect. What a nightmare. I
gave up and used apt-get for that and everything else.

So anyways, finally, in answer to your question, here is the recipe that
I used which much success for installing X:

apt-get install task-gnome-apps task-gnome-desktop task-gnome-net

That's it! OMigod I couldn't frikkin' believe it. I made a few choices
in questions that debconf asked configuring the xserver, and that's it.
No dpkg --configure this & that, no apt-get -f install, no hand editing
of XFree86Config. After the completion of the above command, I started X
and it launched me into gnome, and even the wheel on my mouse worked. I
have never seen it go so easy, except on Mandrake.

I don't know, maybe I was just lucky. YMMV.

You might consider posting what packages you have installed, what method
you are attempting for further installation, what error messages you are
getting regarding which conflicts &/or depends, etc.


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