On Thu, May 09, 2002 at 01:11:30AM -0700, Paul 'Baloo' Johnson wrote:
| On Thu, 9 May 2002, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
| > >> have an ADSL line that will allow 66+ kB/s downloads, assuming the site 
| > >> accessing can handle it.  If the perl dependencies in your example 
| > >> without breaking other dependencies, I'm good to go.
| > >
| > >Jeez...I'm so glad I'm back on cable.  66kbps is infuriatingly slow...
| > Actually that's KBytes - or 528 kBits/second.  The line is rated at 640 kb/s
| > download, but slightly over 520 is what I usually get.  That allows me to
| > download a full cdrom in about 2 1/2 hours.  I just download the 3 CDRom 
Red Hat
| > 7.3 distro in less than 8 hours.  Took weeks on my old 14.4 modem.
| Erk, I meant 66kBps.  Any time I've pulled less than 130 kBps on cable
| I've had all my roommates were awake at the same time and had people
| over with thier computers, or the server I was connecting to just didn't
| have the bandwidth to send to me that quickly.  My DSL experiance wasn't
| good:  Installation took forever.  It crapped out constantly.  Repairs
| took forever.  It was bloody expensive compaired to cable (about $5 more
| a month than cable based on time, and more than that based on uptime,
| and more than that based on bytecount.)

It all depends on your local services.  Where I'm from (Roch. NY)
cable is more expensive.  It only took about a month, I think, from
the first phone call to have the line setup.  I did the in-the-house
install myself (plugged in the Cisco 677 bridge and configured that
NIC for DHCP and masquerading).  My ADSL line is rated 3Mbps
downstream and something small upstream.  The actual performance
ranges from bad (~20KBps) to great (~100-200KBps) (note the
capitalization of 'B').  The local cable service costs about $10/mo
more IF you have bettter-than-Basic cable TV service and about $10/mo 
more than that if you have Basic or no cable TV service.  My
(parents') house has no cable TV wiring between the street and it.
The cable internet service is rated at 2Mbps downstream.  Both
services are mostly ok (from what I hear).  The DSL service _was_
rather crappy in that it required "logging on" via a web form before
IP routing would work (apart from the DNS server and that web server).
I automated it in /etc/network/interfaces and a python script.
They've since elminated that source of failure.

Right now I have T1 access, but the gateway at home still has the DSL


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