 I setup it, but something goes wrong ...

I'm able to ping between machines few times
but soon or later it ends with

plip0: transmit timeout (1,87)
(this message I see on laptop)

I think the cable is OK, coz I'm trasnfering files on him
between windows without problems ....

sure, my notebook has serial port, but why use serial
when have paralel with cable ....


Elizabeth Barham wrote:
Hi Mirek,

There is plip. It's IP via parallel port.


I'm surprised your notebook does not have a serial port. If it does,
you can purchase a NULL serial cable for communications.


Mirek Dobsicek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


I've just succeded installing PotatoR6 on an old laptop (486/66, 8MB RAM, 510 HDD).

I've installed base system using floppies ... uff, it was pain.
Then I coppied debs of vim and mc to next floppies and installed
vim and mc using dpkg -i . It took me about 3 hours.
50MB off HDD is used now ... sounds good.

I'd like to add more packages but not using floppies anymore.

The notebook does not have network card, either modem. So I have
to use parallel cable and connect it to my "big" machine.

And here comes my questions:
What to setup, config and run on notebook and big machine
to be able to on the notebook then simply type

apt-get install ....

If this task is too hard to do, it would also fine if I could
downloaded debs on my big machine transfer using paralel cable
to notebook.

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