
In the section where you are adjusting drive references, you will want to leave /dev/hdc and /dev/hdd drive references alone. You are only messing with the first ide channel, not the second one. They will NOT change. The only exception to this is if you plan on re-jumper'ing and re-cabling ALL of your drives.

For the part of writing the MBR to your new /dev/hda I would recommend that you just boot up with your "rescue" disk or cd after moving the disks and jumpers then mount your new /dev/hda? root file system and chroot to it and run lilo then. Just follow the normally expected "rescue" procedures and it should work just fine. This is how I have done it many times when changing out drives.

Good luck,

At 09:48 AM 5/13/2002 -0400, Andrew Perrin wrote:

I have a machine currently running potato. It has four IDE drives in
it. /dev/hda does nothing important; it's an old (probably 1993 or
1994) 1.2G whose sole role in life at this point is to have an MBR with
LILO to boot DOS, NT, or (99% of the time) Debian.

That drive is quickly dying, and when it dies it brings down the IDE bus
and therefore the system. So I need to get rid of it. I'd like to upgrade
to woody at the same time.  Here's my plan; any comments or advice are

1.) Back up /etc to somewhere safe
2.) Edit /etc/fstab:
  change all references to /dev/hdb* to /dev/hda*
  remove references to (unused) filesystems on what is now /dev/hda
  change references to /dev/hdc* to /dev/hdb*
  change references to /dev/hdd* to /dev/hdc*
(cdrom and zip drive are SCSI so not relevant to this process)
3.) Edit /etc/lilo.conf to point linux to /dev/hda instead of /dev/hdb
4.) Write /etc/lilo.conf to the MBR of the current /dev/hdb (about to
become /dev/hda). THIS IS THE STEP I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO.
5.) Power down
6.) Remove current /dev/hda
7.) Rejumper current /dev/hdb as master
8.) Power back up

---At this point I *hope* to have the old system (potato) up and running
without the dead disk.---

9.) edit /etc/apt/sources.list to point to testing instead of stable
(should I use woody instead of testing?)
10.) apt-get update
11.) apt-get install apt apt-utils
12.) apt-get dist-upgrade

What, if anything, am I missing, or should I be worried about?


Andrew J Perrin -
Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
[EMAIL PROTECTED] * andrew_perrin (at)

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