On Mon, May 13, 2002 at 11:36:31PM +0530, Deepak Kotian wrote:
| Hi,
| Is there any tool like purify(memory leak tool) for LINUX. Or any
| free software which can be used to check memory leaks on a C/c++
| program.

memprof is one such tool.  I've used it a little bit.  I've also heard
of Electric Fence and some others, but haven't done serious enough
C/C++ programming to actually try them.



The remote desktop feature of Windows XP is really nice (and *novel*!).
As a Microsoft consultant can *remotely* disable the personal firewall
and control the system.  We'll ignore the fact that this tampering with
the firewall is not logged, and more importantly, that the firewall
isn't restored when the clowns from Redmond are done with their job.
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