On Tue, May 21, 2002 at 10:06:56AM +0930, Tom Cook wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am fairly new to latex, so this could easily be something I am doing
> wierd, but...
> When I use latex to convert a source file into a dvi, the dvi looks
> great.  Then when I use either dvips->gs or dvipdf to convert the dvi
> into a pdf, the pdf looks OK in acroread but unintelligable in xpdf.
> It just comes out as a series of lines of dots on the page.  The
> commands I am using are:
> # latex source.tex
> # dvips source.dvi
> # gs -sOutputFile=source.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite source.ps
> or
> # dvipdf source.dvi source.pdf

From the man page, it looks like dvipdf just automates the dvips/gs
combination. For (yet another) different approach, try dvipdfm. The
author believes it to be more 'in the spirit of TeX' than pdflatex,
since it follows the standard "source -> dvi -> something" path.
Anyways, it works well for me. And if you want both a dvi file and a pdf
file it's a lot faster than running pdflatex and latex separately.

Note that I use Debian version 3.0
Linux mus 2.4.17mvz4 #1 Fri Mar 15 23:30:15 CET 2002 i686 unknown

Matijs van Zuijlen

    ... designed to fill holes or cracks of not more than two cubic vims.
                            -- Robert Sheckley, Untouched by Human Hands

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