On Wed, May 22, 2002 at 04:25:43PM -0500, Tony Steidler-Dennison wrote:

| Your email has been received, though it hasn't yet been delivered.
| In order for your email to be delivered, you'll need to reply to
| this message.

| While I've made a careful effort to include all the addresses in my
| address book in the accept list, yours may have been overlooked.
| Replying to this mail will recitify that oversight.
| Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience.

How can the list server reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  You also
sent the autoreply to the WRONG address.  Autoreplies must go to the
envelope sender, not some other address found somewhere in the DATA
portion of an SMTP session.  Please fix your system, and don't expect
any direct messages from me -- I won't "subscribe" to people's



Who can say, "I have kept my heart pure;
I am clean and without sin"?
        Proverbs 20:9
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