On Sat, May 25, 2002 at 11:12:37AM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:

> It's not a "bizarre" superiority complex.  May not be valid,
> but certainly not "bizarre".  I can list 1,000 US accomplish-
> ments, not the least of which is making sure that Aussies aren't
> not speaking Japanese, and the Brits now speaking German.  (Yes,
> you fought the Battle of Britain, but without the US Navy , for
> all intents & purposes fighting the Battle of the Atlantic with
> the Royal Navy well before 07-Dec-1941, Admiral Doenitz _would_
> have starved you all into submission...)

As much as US action was admirable during World War II, I've noticed
that pretty much every American accomplishment mentioned in casual
conversation is extremely violent, and yet Americans still refer to
America as a peace-loving nation.  Riiiight.  Even the 1960s with
the motto "peace, love and rock and roll" was pretty damn violent at
home and abroad.  And it was still a cheap shot for the national gaurd
to open fire from a helicopter on an unarmed, peaceful war protest. 
Makes you wonder if they were looking for a reason to try and start a
second revolution or something.


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