On Mon, May 27, 2002 at 08:02:33AM -0400, Thomas Good wrote:

> But our behaviour as a nation is still young and foolish - maybe if 
> our elected officials served their country rather than their wallets
> we would mature as nation, at a faster pace.   I think the lacking

Unfortunately, the legislature won't pass a working wage and no more for
themselves, no matter how much it would benefit the whole.  Even though
The Oregonian, New York Times and The People all reported recently that
63% of Americans don't have anything other than Social Security awaiting
them at retirement.

> I've come to regard (former President) Jimmy Carter as a sort of Yank
> version of Gandhi.  He works hard to help people in need (Habitat for 
> Humanity), uses his influence for the common good (trying to normalise 
> relations with Castro), is a humble guy and occasionally has "lust in 
> his heart"...he he.  I hope he inspires future leaders as we could sure 
> use a steadier hand at the helm.

He also realised the prohibition on marijauna was ineffective and made
mention of it in a 1977(?) speech.  We'd save a lot of money not locking
up people who don't care to do more than sit on the couch and eat
twinkies in thier off-time.


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