On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 10:17:06AM +1000, Damian Del Campo wrote:
| Hi I'm looking to setup email on a debian machine -> I have a network
| of computers at home, one of which is set up as a router, file server
| and now hopefully a mail repository. 
| I want this computer to download my mail from various pop email
| accounts such as,
| I want all this mail to be downloaded to a central computer

Use fetchmail to grab mail from any number of POP and IMAP servers.

| however I
| don't all this mail to exist in one bucket so to speak.

Then use a filter to deliver the messages to the proper "buckets"
(mail folders).  You can use procmail or exim or maildrop or whatever
else suits your fancy.  I use exim.

| Ie I'd want be
| able to access the mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] from one computer whereas I would like to
| access the mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] adn
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] from a different computer. The other computers that
| require access to the mail repository are a Linux, Solaris, Irix and
| possibly a MSWin. I haven't got any mail client preference though.

Does running ssh to login to the central computer (running unix) and
using a mail client such as mutt suffice?  I'm not sure if I really
understand your requirements here.

| I'd also like to set up sendmail so that I can use it from my mail
| client to send from whichever of these accounts I choose.

I wouldn't recommend using sendmail.  I use exim.  RH has just
recently ditched sendmail and now have postfix in release 7.3 (yeah,
apparently they think that's a minor change).

How well do you want to masquerade as your other personalities?  I've
got this in my .muttrc :

# This sets what values mutt will use to build the From: header
set realname="dman" from='[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
set use_from

# reset the From: header first.  This must execute before the below hooks.
send-hook '~t ^.*$' unmy_hdr From

# These hooks tell mutt to use a differente From: header depending on
# where the mail is going to
send-hook '~t [EMAIL PROTECTED]' \
    my_hdr 'From: Derrick Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'

send-hook '~t [EMAIL PROTECTED]' my_hdr 'From: dman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'

On the surface, the mail I send will look like it came from which ever
"from" I choose.  (I can also change this manually before sending the
message)  A little deeper, though, exim sets the envelope sender the
same every time.  Most people won't know the difference, and the
difference is only significant if you really want to hide your
alternate identities.
| The main reason for this is that I am a member of multiple mailing
| lists and need to seperate mail for organisational reasons.

Everyone does :-).  Surely d-u is high enough volume to warrant that
by itself.  In the file ~/.exim/filter I have this snippet :

if $header_X-Mailing-List: matches "(debian-[^./]*)@lists\.debian\.org" then
    logwrite "    => lists/$1"
    save $home/Mail/lists/$1/

it is written using exim's filter language to automatically sort mail
from any debian list into a folder of the same name (in the "lists"

| I've read
| a lot about receiving mail from multiple accounts/servers. However
| what I haven't been able to find out is how to keep this separate,
| send via the same different accounts, & access this mail repository
| via other computers.

Receiving and sending are separate operations and involve separate
tools.  (well, unless you're using badly designed software it involves
separate tools :-)).
| I'm under the impression that I want fetchmail with procmail, but
| everything I've found on this topic only shows how to setup from
| mutliple acounts to one mail box or to completely seperate mailboxes.

You want fetchmail and procmail (or an alternate filter) for
receiving.  You can configure procmail to deliver mail to what ever
folders (aka mailboxes) you want.  They'll all belong to your user

For sending you just need to tell your mail client to use a different
From: header.  If you want to be really secretive then you must also
inform your MTA to use a different envelope sender.  With exim that
means either you'll have to list your login as a "trusted" user, or
else it will add a Sender: header with your "real" address (it's a
safety feature to prevent arbitrary users from spoofing the source of
a message).



The wise in heart are called discerning,
and pleasant words promote instruction.
        Proverbs 16:21
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