On Tue, 28 May 2002 23:30:38 -0700 (PDT)
Mike Egglestone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> activity. Now I have no firewall under linux I would like to have some
> way of at least monitoring traffic throughput as I surf the net. Does
> anyone know if there is any small utility that can do this under
> woody.
> For X-Windows, I use a fast little manager called icewm,
> which by default shows your network link activity, and cpu usuage.
> You can customize it nicely too. (change colors etc)

There are any number of such utilities. A popular one is gkrellm, it can
monitor a lot more than just a 'net connection. If you're not using the
GNOME panel, you can't use its applets, but there are some simple ones
there if you do.

Otherwise, 'apt-cache search dockapp', pick and choose, play and poke.

\ David B. Harris, Systems administrator   |   http://www.terrabox.com /
/  [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |     http://eelf.ddts.net  \
/ Clan Barclay motto: Aut agere, aut mori.  (Either action, or death.) \

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