1 st Question:

NAT and DSL internet access with dynamic IP and LAN clients


i have a DSL internet access with dynamic ip address not fixed (static) one.

when i install on a single PC either server or and PC i have the internet access. with ICS works fine as well in win2000 environment.

Please notice that i have dynamic ip address from my DSL Provider not the static (fixed) ip addres.

i try to configure this DSL internet access on my Primary win2000 server with RRAS to create NAT and to let my client PC's have internet access as well. either with NAT DHCP, DNS, WINS default cnfiguration or Windows 2000 server DHCP server, DNS server and WINS server configuration i do not have an internet access on my clients.

when i install win2000 server from zero and add DHCP, DNS, WINS services on same server, all my clients in LAN works very well and everything is good without internet access. the moment I add RRAS and create a NAT and configure with Private NIC (My LAN), Public NIc (internet),

none of the clients have the nternet access.

But in either way server itself does has internet access. after i Add RRAS/NAT either i Enable NAT DHCP,DNS,WINS services or Original win2000 DHCP,DNS,WINS server services...with both way Event Viewer keep saying that either my DHCP cannot assign ip addres and says:

" Your computer was not assigned an address from the network (by the DHCP Server) for the Network Card with network address 444553547777. The following error occured: The semaphore timeout period has expired. . Your computer will continue to try and obtain an address on its own from the network address (DHCP) server. "

and DNS says in Event Viewer " Registration of the DNS record '_kerberos._tcp.Default-First-Site-Name._sites.erolozturk.com. 600 IN SRV 0 100 88 pdc.erolozturk.com.' failed with the following error: DNS server unable to interpret format. "

or it says i need to register my domain name which is configured through the Dcpromo to create an Active directory on my server by typing in command line:

C:\> ipconfig/registerdns blah blah blah !!!!

in the NAT configuration everything is in order according to all the book s that i have as well as according to all the articles that i have read from internet so far .... but i still don't have the right answer nor working LAN internet access.

Server IP : ---> configured in to Private NIC (My LAN)

DNS: None (empty)

Wins: None (empty)

Default Gateway: None (empty)

Clients : all runs with original DHCP automatic IP .

DNS, WINS, Default Gateway: None.

Note: although i did put every each one with all the services one by one still no good result. For Example: Clint IP is assign by DHCP, DNS: which is Main servers private ip (internal) , or i try it to test with by putting to clint Default Gateway... stil notitng.

i did try uninstall windows 2000 original DHCP, DNS, Wins servers and try to run and configure with only NAT services such as DHCP or DNS services still no result.

in any case I just want to have original server with original DHCP, DNS and WINs services and simply configure NAT only for sharing internet access for the client i have in my private LAN.

i believe there is something either funny or very serious point that i did not configure properily.



thank you very much.

please e-mail me the answer if you can i will very appriciate it.

thank you


Question 2:

to upgrade win NT 4.0 PDC and BDC to win2000 is : Please correct me if anything is missing!

1. synchronize both servers

2. not necasary to disconnect both server in order to upgrade?

3. simply upgrade PDC then upgrade to Active directory as a primary server

4. before upgrade do i must to install DNS even though i do not have any web page runs from my PDC server!

5. why do i need to install DNS on any server if i am not runing web pages on those server?

6. after PDC done then simply same way upgrade BDC to 2000?

7. then upgrade BDC as a seconda domain controller?

8. then what else?

please i need to know these answers.

Thank yu very much


Question 3: when i install PDC and BDC, i install DHCP, DNS, WINS top of my PDC server. and i configue them from there.

DO i need to install DHCP, DNS, WIN services on the BDC as well or not?

same thing for Windows 2000 servers too. should i install those services on both servers or only on one server???

Question 4: if i do not have a internet registered runing web page on my either server shoul i stil lneed to install DNS and configure it or what? whay should i need DNS server if i do not have web page runing on my either server?

same question for win2000 too?

what is exacly DNS will provide me if i do not run any web page or any registered page on my server?

and when i install win2000 server or upgrade from NT 40. and still if i do not have the internet registered domain what is the best step i need to take in order do not confuse my self . my boss and do not do any thing wrong!

i know a lot of questions but those are the top ones i believe.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH and i will thankfully appriciate if you could e-mail me to my own e-mail addres: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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