On Fri, May 31, 2002 at 09:52:42AM -0700, ben wrote:
> yup. mono-linuxism. debian is the standard. unitedlinux is a business 
> venture, that's all. it's like comparing shaolin monks to tele-evangelists.

Don't get me started on that Pat Robertson thief...trying to cheat the
Red Cross out of money...he is no Christian.

> if mcdonalds, burger king, jack in the box, and carl's junior were to get 
> together to standardize the burger, would that affect the recipe of the one 
> you make yourself with the best ingredients at a backyard barbecue? no matter 
> how good theirs would be, it's just not the real thing.

Mmm, barbeque.  Grilled salmon or brook trout beats a burger anytime. 
And in the Willamette Zone, there's no bag or size limit on brook trout,
just get a fishing license and start reelin them in...caught 23 roughly
14" long brook trout last Monday while everone else was at work...

> ah, summer, barbecues. think homer simpson drooling. that's me, right now.

Problem is, we haven't had any decent barbeque weather in Oregon
recently.  To us this means at least overcast, if not actually raining. 
Overcast is preferrable to sun, as you can still get tanned in it, but
without having to deal with the heat and brightness of it.  Rain
preferrable since it keeps the mosquitos and dust down, and it's more
fun to run through than the lawn sprinklers.


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