G'day Arne,

I'm the PPTP Client[1] project release engineer.

As far as I know, Debian has not yet packaged a version of pppd with
mppe support.  (I'm not a Debian developer, and I haven't downloaded the
sid pppd package to verify this).  I worked around this lack by
compiling pppd myself from sources[2], and using that pppd with pptp.  I
can continue to use the Debian pppd for my other connections, because I
can start the mppe capable pppd and have it invoke pptp via the pty
option, a new feature with 1.1.

On my PPTP Client Diagnosis HOWTO page[3] you can find a cheap trick to
check to see if the pppd you have has mppe support.


1.  PPTP Client project web page

2.  How to install PPTP Client on Debian
(while this says it was last tested on potato, I've since upgraded to
woody on that machine)

3.  Checking pppd for MPPE support

James Cameron                                     ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

http://quozl.linux.org.au/         (or)         http://quozl.netrek.org/

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