On Mon, Jun 03, 2002 at 05:53:25PM +0200, Paul Huygen wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a bit reluctant to ask this seemingly simple question, but I
> could not find the answer in the docs:
> I have a computer that was connected to the Internet over ethernet with
> a fixed IP address. Recently the network manager requested to change
> to DHCP, and I cannot find out how I have to do that. So, can anybody
> help me to tell me how to do that?
> One method would be to re-install Debian from scratch and let the install
> program perform the task, but that seems overkill to me.
> The Ethernet Howto does not mention DHCP at all
> The "Linux Networking Howto" suggests to use a program "Linuxconfig" for
> this task, but I could not find a Debian Linuxconfig package.
> The "Linux networking overview Howto" refers to a "DHCP mini HOWTO",
> and the latter suggest Debian users to install a deb package called
> "dhcpcd". However, this package is not available in testing.
> There is a package DHCP, and the man page associated with this
> package explains how you can invoke a program called dhcp to obtain
> an IP lease, but not how Linux can be made to invoke this program
> during bootup and associate the obtained IP number with the eth0
> interface. Installing the DHCP package with APT-get does not configure
> The "Unix and Internet Fundamentals Howto" does not mention DHCP.
> Thanks,
> Paul Huygen
> -- 
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Do the following:

1. Recompile kernel with DHCP support. It's possible that DHCP support
may already exist in your running kernel.

2. In /etc/network/interfaces make sure that you have the following
two lines.

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

3. Install package pump

4. Reboot your computer

Your Linux box now should be able to obtain network information via DHCP.
issue /sbin/ifconfig -v to see if eth0 is okay. That's it!


Amal Phadke, PhD
email: phadke at hydrodyn dot org

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