On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 10:39:02PM -0700, Brian Dessent wrote:
| Jeronimo Pellegrini wrote:
| > Blocking his posts to the list while the listmaster tries to help
| > him could help -- if the listmaster has the time to do that, of course!
| > That would save a lot of bandwidth (the offending posts *and* the
| > discussion about them would at least not last too long), but this can't
| > be easily done automatically [1].
| To me, the best solution to this would be to customize the tagline on
| each outgoing message, so that it would read something like "you are
| subscribed as [EMAIL PROTECTED], to remove send a message _from that
| address_ to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the magic word."

| I don't know how hard or easy this would be to implement, but it sounds
| nontrivial.

IMO this is a bad choice.  This will increase the load on the mail
server (murphy.debian.org) by several orders of magnitude because all
messages will then contain unique content.  The ability to connect to
a server and use multiple RCPT TO: commands to eliminate duplicate
transfers of the message contents depends on the recipients all
receiving the same content.

| I suppose there are some privacy / archival issues, such as
| the desire to scrub mailing list archives of email addresses to foil
| spambots.

Who cares about that?  Use SA to reject the spam mails and get removed
from the lists.  I think it really works because SA rejects less spam
now than it did when I first set it up (and I'm not getting those
high-scoring messages delivered).



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