On Wed, Jun 05, 2002 at 11:30:12AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>       Well, this is only partially true. All architectuures for
>  Woody are ready. They are not delaying the release. What is not ready
>  is the ability to support security for woody and potato for even the
>  architectures that we have now -- not with the increased number of
>  packlages that the security team has to support.

The 11 architecures *are* what's holding up the release.  The whole
reason the security team needs the new build infrastructure is that it's
not a reasonable expectation for them to be able to manually build
updated packages for all 11 architectures in a timely fashion.  With
pototo, we were able to release because we didn't require such a
large-scale automated build process for the security team since we
supported fewer architectures.


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